A note from Amy…
I want to give YOU BIG THANKS and VIRTUAL HUGS for visiting my page!
My name is Amy and my past roller coaster journey of this beautiful thing called “life” has given me the opportunity to provide you and those around you the guidance to work through addiction, unhealthy behaviors, unresolved trauma, and family dynamics. I truly believe that we are ALL worthy of healing!
In my personal recovery, I strive daily to embrace humility. An attitude of gratitude, honesty with self first and others, removing my self-inflated ego, being mentally and physically healthy, and clinging to my faith in a higher power. The most important lesson I have learned over the past 14 years is that I am human and can’t ever be perfect, but I can celebrate progress 24 hours at a time.
Recovery is a LIFESTYLE change.
When we move a muscle, we change a thought. That first “move” is scary and change IS uncomfortable. Whether you are the one struggling, a family, a friend, or a colleague, Pursuit of Recovery is here to help guide you in taking the first baby step towards a new journey in life!
In the beginning, we crawl, then we stand, we walk and then for most we run! In your PURSUIT (your chase) of RECOVERY, I want to be with you for those pivotal moments! I will help you push through the pain, shame, and guilt of unresolved trauma or childhood chaos and confusion.
Being here for you is an honor and a privilege.
I am here to help you pursue your OWN recovery. Your pursuit will be RE-Creating, RE-Inventing, RE-Vamping, RE-Directing, RE-Searching, and RE-Routing to find and embrace YOUR RECOVERY.
Please know that after the initial assessment or at any time there is a need for a higher level of care, I will make sure that professional recommendations are available.
Pursuit of Recovery recognizes addiction is not just about substances. You could be struggling with a “processed” addiction, which is also called “behavioral addiction.” Some of the few processed addictions we work with are gambling, food, electronics, work, sex, exercise, shopping, and money.
“Addictions always originate in pain, whether felt openly or hidden in the unconscious. They are emotional anesthetics.” — Dr. Gabor Mate
About Amy
Amy E. Cooper is a Board Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor accredited by International Certification & Reciprocity Board (IC & RC); Certified Addiction Counselor by The Florida Certification Board.
She holds a National Certification in Advanced Clinical Intervention (NCACIP) and is an International Master’s Addictions Coach (IMAC) that envelopes recovery, food, and gambling addiction along with Anger Management and Family Coaching Certification as well. Pursuit of Recovery is bonded and insured.
Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC)
CAC is a practice credential for people who work side-by-side with clinical staff to provide services to individuals with substance use conditions
International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium - Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ICRC-ADC)
The Alcohol and Drug Counselor (ADC) is the IC&RC's most widely recognized credential. It is the basis of the mandated credential or license in many jurisdictions.
Certified Advanced Clinical Intervention Professional (NCACIP)
Most trained and certified interventionists only offer drug and alcohol interventions, those counselors with a NCACIP Certification are trained to intervene on all sorts of mental health issues (sex addiction, gambling, etc.).
Nationally Certified Recovery Coach (NCRC)
A Recovery Coach sets the parameters of the conversation, listens and contributes observations and questions, provides a roadmap for success, and assists the client as a team to achieve their desired goals.