Chasing Grace..
The definition of GRACE:
1. disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency; 2. the quality or state of being considerate or thoughtful
Ahhh. Grace… 💜
I tell my clients all the time to give themselves and the difficult ones in their life Grace.
God gives Grace even when we feel undeserving of it.
Growing up my family gave me the nickname of “GRACE”.. certainly NOT because of my poise but my clumsiness! 🤪 It's a running joke now because when I was in active addiction, I could walk, dance and climb stairs in 4” inch heels or higher without fail. Now, in my Grateful Recovery, I trip at times when I am in my own bare feet!
Ernest Hemingway said it best, “Courage is GRACE under Pressure”.
Finding Courage, let alone Grace in our lives is near impossible when we are in Active Addiction.
Active Addiction is NOT JUST about self medicating with substances.
According to ASAM’s Definition of Addiction :Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences.
Maybe YOUR Active Addiction looks like this:
-Untreated Codependency
-Untreated Shame, Blame, Guilt
-Ruminating about people, places and things that we CAN'T CONTROL
-Untreated Mental Health
My Favorite Line of this Definition is “Addiction is a TREATABLE medical disease..,
Here is YOUR FLASHING BOLD SIGN if you have been waiting for one: “TREATABLE”
It is very hard to be Graceful when we are always moving at a fast pace, and when we SLOW DOWN, we start to FEEL, and that is when we become uncomfortable.
Change is uncomfortable.
Change is Fearful, and there is 100% truth in the saying:
“Nothing Changes IF Nothing Changes”
Finding different solutions takes Courage.
Courage is on the other side of the Fear.
Fear has kept you in your Active Addiction.
We can begin today, together, in finding your self deserved Grace from within and Focus on Active Recovery.
Philip Yancey’s words Ring true…….
“Grace, like water flows to the lowest part”.
It is time to LET GO off yesterday.
You can begin today with courageously taking the 1st step onto a higher ground.
Accept Grace as your first move in Pursuing your Recovery, you deserve it!