
“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”

– Carl Bard

Picking up the phone and asking for help was one of the hardest behaviors in my early recovery that I had to learn….

Or…..Was I “re-learning”? 

Looking back, it is crazy how the dang phone got me “jump started” to this Recovery Lifestyle. 

The drunk and high text/dial on the blackberry phone back in the day was grueling to review when I finally became “somewhat” sober from whatever roll I was on at the time.  

 I have found myself though over the past handful of years, picking up the phone instead of using my “best thinking” and ASK for help when I was unsure of something or someone.  #progress.

My question❓… is this..

Why do WE allow our ego, pride, or.. could it be shame, and guilt keep us from getting healthy?  

It is never just 1 of them. It will ALWAYS be at least 1 of them!

This question❓ is poised for not only the one struggling, but those who love the one struggling. 

Yes, Family, Friends, Colleagues… IT is ALL of US.

Some of the real and devastating consequences of active addiction OR active untreated mental health are jails, prisons, institutions and sadly death. 

I can truly emphathize the pain of family and friends that are left behind when it is the final.  I have had friends and family leave this world by their own untreated mental health and active addiction. 

I KNOW first hand some of the feelings felt by both sides.  

Ego tells us, I am the only one that can fix this.  

Pride tells us, What if someone knows the truth.

Shame tells us, The humiliation of my actions are devastating.

Guilt tells us, There is no turning back, the damage is irreparable.

These are all LIES that active addiction; active codependency; active people pleasing; and active untreated mental health tells us! 

These LIES are just that, LIES!

When we stay stuck in them, we continue to open the unwanted gift of Insanity on a daily basis. 

The unwanted gift of insanity is a gift that keeps on rearing its ugly head, until 1 of 2 things happens..

#1.We get better or

#2.WE succumb to the disease all together. 

I can tell you this from my own personal experience, the disease tells you all kinds of crazy things. The biggest LIES I have experienced in dealing with all of the above is this:

“I can do this and fix this myself and I do not need help from anyone.”

The lie is doing this alone.  No one in the history of Recovery has EVER gotten better alone. 

“I am Fine, You are Fine, Everything is Fine”

No one is Fine in active insanity.

“If No one knows than No one Knows”

People know, most won’t say anything.

“I know them better than you, they are MY loved one” 

You are right, you know your loved one, but Professionals more qualified know the Dis-Ease AND are NOT emotionally attached, which helps in making better decisions for everyone’s Recovery, including YOURS. 

I KNOW because I have experienced ALL the above and NOW I am eternally grateful and do what I am supposed to do. 


I have too much to live for. I have been the active addict; the active alcoholic, the active codependent family member; the active people pleaser; and the active enabler. Today, I can say that I am in Recovery for them all. 

We are given the gift 🎁 of life everyday, it's called the present. I also know and preach the hashtag #unityincommunity all the time.  It is 1000% true too. 

So, where do WE go from here?

Step #1 Admitting I/We are powerless over active addiction; untreated mental health AND over Others.

How do WE get there?

Step #2 Personal Recovery depends upon Unity. Seeking out those who know more than WE do. 

What do WE have to do?

Step #3 Let Go, 🎈Surrender and Embrace a Power Greater than self. Ask and Seek to Find.

What do WE get in Return?

Peace, Serenity, Trust, Hope, Willingness

If We never decide to do something different, then how can anything different transpire?

Please, if you are struggling, or know someone who is,

DROP the Ego and PICK up the Phone, or Computer and Reach out for Help. 

Communicate with someone and if you FEEL you can’t or don’t have anyone, We are here, and will send you Resources. 

Please feel free to email us:

May the angels above surround you all with hugs, kisses and lots of Love, Amy C.


Love of Self

